January 2, 2011

New Year's Reso(crap)lutions

Ok, kids. We have a new year before us. It could be a time for great success, or it could just be a giant fall in the lunchroom spilling your lunch tray everywhere (The lunch tray is a metaphor for life, man). I am going to try for the former and leave the latter to that one (There has to be at least one kid nerdier than me. Right?) kid nerdier than me.

I have a five step plan called... My New Year's Resolutions!

Here they are:

  1. I am going to get more organized. Like really organized. My room is going to stay clean, and I am keeping up with all of my papers which leads me to...
  2. I am staying up with all of my homework and schoolwork. AP Chem, I am talking to you.
  3. I want to eat better and exercise as well. This is my least important one, but I still want to make a stab at it. You want to be the big man on campus but not like that.
  4. Also, I am staying with all of my clubs and activities. I was the crappiest club member last semester, and that will not happen again. Also, I have to add ROV onto the plate of numerous activities.
  5. Lastly, I am going to be a better person. This is kind of a blanket statement, but I just want to be a better friend. I want to spend time with people. I blatantly want people to like me.
So, there we go, my five step plan to become legendary. I kind of feel like Buddha with my step plan... or Woodrow Wilson...

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