January 10, 2011

"Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!"

It is hardcore snowing... in Georgia.

It has snowed (like actual snow, not just flurries) twice this winter. It actually snowed Christmas morning; it was our first white Christmas in like one hundred years. Then, it snowed last night. And then there was freezing rain. Now, our yard is frozen. It is not covered in just snow; there is a layer of snow then a hard layer of ice. When we went outside, you had to crack the ice to stand, or you would have slipped everywhere.

School was obviously canceled today; the roads were covered in ice. School is also canceled tomorrow, and I bet school will be cancelled Wednesday as well because it didn't even get above freezing today. This sucks except for the fact that I have extra time for AP Chem.

Now, this post wasn't just to lament about the snow; there is some significance here. It hasn't snowed this much since the Blizzard of '93. That year, we had a gigantic blizzard (in March, no less). That was also the year I was born. I was born March 5, and the Blizzard hit exactly one week later. I am part of the blizzard club at school; I have about five other friends that were born in that same two week span.

So, let me finish this post up for now, the solid dihydrogen monoxide outside is calling my name...

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