December 30, 2010

2010: The Year That Was (Epic)

Well, I have made it through another year. 2010 has been an absolutely wonderful year. This was the year where decisions were made, and friendships were solidified. I can truly say that this has been the best year of my life. I have had a good time in school, but I have had an even better time in ROV and with friends.

This year, I place 7th (that's right, 7th) in the world at ROV Internationals; I just became an Eagle Scout; I was an Honor Marshall, and I have stayed in the top five in my class, and I was accepted into Georgia Tech. I have done many other things this year, but some of my other proudest accomplishments are much smaller.

2010 was a great year for me socially. High school has not been rough for me, but some years (sophomore and junior), my group of friends wasn't solid. Did I have best friends? Was I just allowed to stay in that group where I necessarily didn't fit in? That doesn't matter now because I have a great group of friends this year. I can honestly say that I care about these people, and that I will always be close to them.

Deborah, Caitlyn, Fluffy, and Ethan. Yeah, you guys are pretty cool cats. You have made this year one that I will remember forever. I have memories, especially with Caitlyn and Deborah, that I can cherish (and laugh about) for a while.

Katie DB. You are probably one of the few best friends that I will keep forever. Wow, this year we have talked more, and next year, we will be at Georgia Tech! I am so ready for the next chapter of our life with Ferret Bueller.

Savannah.  Wow, this has been an exciting year. I am so glad that I have met and gotten to know you this year. You are definitely my favorite freshman in more ways than one. I have spent a lot of great time with you, and I cannot wait for Prom.

ROV Guys. Wow, you guys have been instrumental in me opening up. It took me a while to get used to you guys, but it was worth it. Also, this was where I met Kelcy and Carter. I am really glad that I have met you; it has been great to get to know you guys.

So, there have been many more great friends and events that I didn't have the space (or patience) to document. This next year is going to be amazing.

2011, here I come.

P.S. I decided to add this little note since  I couldn't put that trademark ellipses after that last statement. So, I will just trail off my thought and put it here...

December 23, 2010

The Chosen One

So, I am bored, and when I am bored, I go snooping on random sites. On one of these sites, I found a treasure trove of Harry Potter pictures. They were all good, but here are my favorites...

So, there is my (entire) childhood, right there...

December 20, 2010

The Boy Who Lived... And Watched A Lot of Harry Potter Movies

So, I am going to see Harry Potter tomorrow for the second time. I am uber excited. I went to the midnight showing when it first came out, and it was amazing. It was such a great atmosphere; everyone there was there just for the movie. There wasn't that creepy old guy or the hormonal couple in the back (well, actually there was a Cho Chang on top of Harry Potter...).

So, the movie began, and everyone literally squealed when the title came on the screen. Throughout the movie, everyone was engrossed. There was no talking or cell phone screens lit up. We leaughed collectively at the inside jokes and references that they got completely right. It was an excellent movie.

If you wondering why I am posting all of this, I will tell you. I am bored, and I love Harry Potter. What other reasons do I need?

Also, I am on Christmas break, and this blog gets exponentially more interesting when there is no stress...

December 19, 2010

25 Things About Me (Original title = Accomplished)

So, on Facebook, there are these little notes where you write 25 interesting facts about yourself. Normally, people write that they love Justin Bieber and God and their boyfriend (not always in that order, but they normally are). Well, I have always wanted to write one to out-witty them all, but it is annoying to have them show up in everyone's news feed. So, I am going to post one her (to no one's annoyance) and revel in my own wit. Everyone, applaud at your own convenience...

  1. I hate (and I mean hate) when people use adjectives instead of adverbs. Adjectives do NOT describe verbs.
  2. I worry about everything too much. I can easily remember slightly embarrassing events from years ago even though everyone else has forgotten about them.
  3. I have recently discovered an obsession for Angel Taylor. She makes me want to order a chai tea latte. 
  4. I love Harry Potter with all of my heart. I was not crushed when I did not receive a letter... but I am still waiting just in case my owl is in the same shape as the Weasley's. 
  5. Number Four is the main reason that I have an obsession with Emma Watson. She attends an Ivy League school; she carries herself with such poise, and she is extremely attractive. Extremely.
  6. I am taking AP Chemistry next semester, and I am so excited. Chemistry is what I want to do with my life. 
  7. I will be studying my love at Georgia Tech with some of my best friends next fall.
  8. Come sophomore year, I will be living with one best friend and another girl in a ballin' house with a ferret named Bueller (get it?).
  9. My iPod is as eclectic as a hipster's Jansport.
  10. I love penbitten, a tumblr page written by one of the wittiest people on the face of this planet.
  11. I have great friends. I know, cliche, but this year has drawn us all closer together. 
  12. I like an amazing girl, and she likes me back. This has not happened since seventh grade, and it has been worth the wait. 
  13. I love lists. This might be why I love my journal and my blog... and you know, this. 
  14. I love simple movies that accomplish nothing other than an entertaining story.
  15. My favorite movie is Dazed & Confused. It is cinematic genius with one of the best soundtracks out there.
  16. I love Glee and Broadway shows. The upbeat nature of it all is wonderful.
  17. I love to make up random words. Everyone at school that uses the word "jank" can thank me for that.
  18. Yeah, I am really witty; you don't have to remind me.
  19. Me gusta Spanglish. It is mi favorita.
  20. I have only seen one horror movie; I will not be seeing another.
  21. I am involved in ROV, marching band, and Boy Scouts. These three activities have shaped my life and given me some memories that I will keep forever.
  22. In ROV, I have traveled to Savannah, Boston, and Hawaii. Last year, we placed seventh in the world at the international competition.
  23. I love hypothetical conservations.
  24. I can stay on the computer for hours at a time. Example, right now.
  25. I am done with this list.

December 16, 2010

As we go on, we'll remember; All the times we had together...

Who is ready for a cliche high school post? I AM, I AM!

Our parents always tell us that our high school years will be the best of our lives. (Now, insert Dazed and Confused reference.) Last year, I would have disagreed, but I have a different opinion now. My senior year has been the best year of my life. I have great friends; I got accepted to Georgia Tech, and I am actually doing things this year.

My close group of friends are some of the best that you will ever meet. We go out to dinner and hang out. We just be, you know. Also, there is a girl I kind of like.

Her name is literally a beautiful city that I would love to visit. She is funny and nice and an all around good person. I always have such a good time with her, and she fits in so well with my friends. One of my best friends is trying to set us up, and I am not objecting at all. We text all the time, and we can just talk about anything. Also, I am taking her to prom. Her dad doesn't want  her dating, so this is as close as I can get right now, and I am ok with that. She is worth it. See, look at how cliche I sound. Also, here is a cliche conversation we had.

S. - I am going to miss you so much at college.
Me- Well, you could always visit.
Best Friend- Well, someone already has a drawer in his room.
S. - I can bring an overnight bag.
Best Friend- (awkward nudge)
Me- :)

Oh, high school...

December 15, 2010

How Do You Like That?

I realize that no one reads my blog; it is not meant for someone to read. And that is why I like this so much. I could follow my friends, and then they would find out, and maybe some other people might read it too. You know, just because I am so witty (everyone loves me).

No, the reason I keep this blog is because I love having hypothetical conversations in my head. Like seriously, I do it all the time. I can create a ten minute tableaux in my head easily. I really like a girl, and I have imagined so many situations where we talk and fall more in love. I envision the perfect argument or verbal attack all the time. I don't know why I love doing this; I just do.

Hmm, I guess I am done with this post. I am getting distracted by imagining right now what someone would think if they read this blog...

December 1, 2010

Back to Reality

Ok, I am writing a random post just to have something else written on the front of my blog other than "life sucks." Also, it is 12:00 in the morning (a school night no less), and I am in no means tired. So, I am writing this and taking AP Chemistry notes. Just wonderful.

The past few weeks have been very stressful but not the janky stressful. I have had a lot of work to do, but I have finished it all actually on time. I have even had time (or made time) for naps. These help a lot (except for the last one which is the reason for me being awake now). I have been working on Eagle stuff, and I got it completed. It will be mailed off tomorrow. Everybody, stand up and clap for me; I deserve it. Also, we started quantum physics this week. It is pretty much the equivalent off watching a Disney movie being tainted before your very eyes or something else of that horrific equivalent.

Also, I just watched the last Glee episode on Hulu. I normally don't write tv show reviews, but hey, whatever. No one reads this blog; it is just a basic online diary, so I think I can write my own useless posts if I want to. Anywhoseewhatsit, (btw, that phrase looks a lot more Southern written out that I thought it would). But anywhoseewhatsit, I really liked the episode. Unfortunately, I actually got sad at the whole Rachel and Finn fiasco. I don't know if that makes me a really loving and caring person or a sad little person getting emotional at a computer. But anywhoseewhatsit, I did, and I also loved the Asian couple and Artie and Brittney. That was wonderful; creepy new girl, not so much.

Anywhoseewhatsit, I am rambling, so I will finish. But maybe it is just because I am awake at 12:30 looking at AP Chemistry...

November 7, 2010


Today, I have to write a research paper, and it is going to be the death of me. I use this term very lightly. Before I began writing this paper, I went to see a good friend's dad earlier today. He is in the hospital with cancer. Can I ever use this phrase again?

This man is (I almost wrote was, but that's the wrong verb. Stay optimistic) incredibly strong. He has (dang it) is living an amazing life. He has two wonderful sons and a loving wife. And he has cancer, and it really sucks.

This post is strangely serious, but I had to get out my feelings. When I saw him, I was taken aback. This soccer playing, athletic man has been reduced into an unresponsive body. And it was incredibly tough to see him.

I hate death...

November 2, 2010

So Yeah, I'm (Really) Awesome...

Also, I just realized that all my posts have parentheses and ellipses at the end...

I Don't Think I Did Very Well. What Did You Get? A 98

I have a giant list of pet peeves and a very small temper. One of those peeves (peeves sounds weird without the pet in front of it) is when people make fun of themselves for compliments. Stop doing this, or I will retaliate.

"I only got a 96 on my test. What did you get?"
"Sorry bitch, but I got a 100. You kind of suck at life. Go sit in the corner and cut yourself with a spork from Taco Bell."

Everyone knows you are just fishing for compliments; just stop it. This rant was triggered by a guy in my trumpet section. He keeps complaining, very annoyingly, about his "inability" to play high notes. We tried to console him (give him the compliments he wants) before we gave up. We then got a new song that has some pretty cool high notes, and he was given them. He complained, and I asked if he wanted to trade parts. He declined... Really!?! You don't get compliments and the cool part; you have to choose one.

To finish on a happy note, I really love chili on cold days...

October 28, 2010

Who Am I?

So yeah, third post today. The newness of my blog will die down eventually, and my posts will become more sporadic and less witty. But now, I actually want to write a post that has substance. One of my friends found this awesome website with writing prompts on it, and I was looking through them when I found two I liked right beside each other:
  1. Describe a typical day during your Jr. High years.
  2. Why do you write?
I was a completely different person in junior high. I was included in the annoying popular kids group. I know; it's terrible. My girlfriend (does she really count in junior high?) of two years was popular, and I was as well by association. But then, a few months before we broke up, I realized that we really didn't like each other more than friends. So, was I supposed to stay her friend and hang out with the other annoying, privileged kids or find a completely new set of friends? I decided to go with the latter, and eighth grade year was a bitch. I had a core group  of solid friends... in basically none of my classes. That is when I realized who my new (and now incredible awesome) friends are.

So, in junior high, my day consisted of being someone that I am not. I sat at a lunch table with kids I hated. There was a new girl who sat at that table as well who never said anything. Now, she is one of my really good friends. We were both squeezed into a mold that did not fit. Now, I have a great life. I can honestly and easily say that this year has been the best year ever. I have great, steadfast, truly awesome friends that I can be myself around. And two of them are the reason that I am blogging.

Following their example, I set up this blog. I am writing to vent to someone. While I do have great friends, I am listener, not a talker. I know that they would listen, that isn't the problem; I just never feel ok letting things out. So, I have decided to write them on here. I doubt that this will stay anonymous for long, but you never know. This safe haven of the internet might be just what I need...

High Ho, Let's Go

So yeah, here we go again. Two basically pointless blog posts in one day, but hey, this is my blog. My little corner (corner makes me feel like I am not randomly being unread in the middle) of the internet. So, I have been debating on whether to include names and detailed personal scenarios in this blog or leave everything anonymous. I think I will choose the latter. If people I know read this blog, they would know who it is. Not many teenage guys have the nickname Steinsburg or an affinity with John Steinbeck.

So, this post kind of turned into just an introduction for another post instead of an actual post. Hmm, maybe I should add a witty phrase here...

Or maybe I should make it a habit to end all of my posts with ellipses... That ellipsis wasn't needed; I just added it for dramatic efffeeeeeeeeeecccccccctt...

So yeah, here's the first post.

So yeah, here is my blog. I think it is pretty nifty right now. But then again, it only has one post on it. While writing this post, I am trying to figure out where I want this blog to go. Am I making it a personal diary of teen angst and bad grades, or will I make it an extravaganza of witty jokes? I don't know yet, but I am leaning towards witty jokes about my teen angst. Either that or just YouTube videos of laughing babies and dads getting hit with baseballs in the groin. I guess I will just see where it goes. But, I could do witty jokes about dads getting hit in the groin by angst ridden teenage sons...